Overview: This configuration will add a weight unit-based flat shipping fees for customers. This is useful when your shipping courier charges you by product weight.
{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "CollectionPage", "headline": "Shipping Fees Setup - WooCommerce Shipping Manager Plugin Documentation", "description": "This sub-category page contains guides for setting up various shipping fees, including weight-based fees, processing fees, shipping classes, and shipping zones using the WooCommerce Shipping Manager plugin from Themepaste Ltd.", "url": "https://themepaste.com/documentation/shipping-manager-documentation/shipping-fees", "mainEntityOfPage": "https://themepaste.com/documentation/shipping-manager-documentation/shipping-fees", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Themepaste Ltd." }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Themepaste Ltd.", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://themepaste.com/storage/images/ThemePaste_logo.svg" } }, "datePublished": "2024-09-18", "articleSection": "WooCommerce Plugin Documentation", "keywords": [ "WooCommerce shipping fees setup", "WooCommerce shipping manager plugin", "weight-based shipping fees", "processing fees WooCommerce", "shipping classes setup", "shipping zones WooCommerce" ] }
Overview: This configuration will add a weight unit-based flat shipping fees for customers. This is useful when your shipping courier charges you by product weight.