Why choose WordPress for E-commerce website development

Why choose WordPress for E-commerce website development

There are numerous platforms to launch an eCommerce website that you dream of. But choosing the right platform is essential when you are looking from both the customer and site owner's end. 

WordPress is a top-rated platform that powers 40% of websites worldwide. It's the most popular CMS for eCommerce because of its unique blend of flexibility, scalability, and user-friendliness. People also prefer this platform because it offers endless customization options. This means you can grow your eCommerce site as your business evolves. 

You need a significantly low cost to launch your WordPress eCommerce website. Plugins like WooCommerce provide all the features you need to launch your eCommerce store. However, you can also minimize the costs and hassle by hiring affordable WordPress maintenance services.

In this article, we will explain why the WordPress eCommerce platform is best for your online business. So, let's learn the true potential of WordPress for eCommerce over other platforms.

Why is WordPress Good for eCommerce?

WordPress is not the only CMS that provides an eCommerce platform in the marketplace. Other big platforms include BigCommerce, Shopify, Wix, and Squarespace. But WordPress offers unparalleled features, flexibility, scalability, and user-friendliness.

In 2024, more than 40% of websites prefer WordPress over other platforms on the web. Plus, it powers over 3.8 million online stores using WooComerce, which is growing continuously. 

With plugins like WooCommerce, it becomes easy to launch an online store, even for beginners. Using plugins and extensions, you can add more features according to your business objectives and growth. Besides, the vast library of themes, templates, and page builders allows you to design the website as you imagine. 

Let's learn in detail why we choose WordPress e-commerce website development over others:

User-Friendly Interface for All Users 

People love to navigate through a user-friendly interface, and WordPress is good at it. It is built with beginners and people with development experience as well. Anyone with minimal tech knowledge can navigate the dashboard and manage their website. You can easily add new products, manage inventory, process orders, and maintain your eCommerce store. 

WordPress gives you complete control over your website's and business's features and design. The user interface requires a pretty simple learning curve, which enables you to focus on the core operations of your eCommerce store.

Easy Setup and Installation Process 

If you are not a developer, how hard is it to create a WordPress eCommerce website? Fortunately, WordPress installation is pretty easy, and you simply need to follow the installation instructions or prompts. Most of the hosting providers even allow you to install the site with a single click. So, having a fully-fledged WordPress site takes a few minutes in total. 

Then comes the WooCommerce plugin, which you must install and activate after installing WordPress. WooCommerce also gives you a simple setup process with an easy-to-understand guide for every step. Every setup process, from store configuration and payment gateway setup and shipping option, is easy to grasp. 

So, you can establish an online presence as you think and start selling your products without worrying too much. Small businesses and startups can benefit from this fast setup process without investing too much in development. Besides, there are some affordable WordPress development services out there to handle all of these for you.  

Vast Theme and Plugin Library

WordPress eCommerce website is more than just setting up your online store for selling. You can extend your startup from scratch and transform it into a huge online store. This is possible due to WordPress's vast library of eCommerce-specific themes and plugins.  

It is really important to attract customers and compete in this evolving online marketplace. This is where WordPress stays ahead and lets you design a website with a unique look and feel. 

Plenty of themes are available to create a store that reflects your brand and product offerings effectively. Besides, these themes are perfectly built with performance, SEO, and user experience in mind. 

WordPress also has a huge plugin library offering over 50,000 plugins. As you grow, you can enhance your online store with new features using these plugins.

Take a look at WooCommerce, which transforms your WordPress site into a fully functional eCommerce store. It gives you the freedom to organize your store’s products, inventory, payment, shipping, and more. However, there are more plugins to add features like SEO, product promotion, store security, customer relation management, and so on.

Customization Option for Expansion 

Customization is an undeniable feature when it comes to developing a modern WordPress eCommerce website. Other platforms out there won't give you this much control over design, features, and expansion. But WordPress lets you tweak the themes and plugins to the greatest extent. 

You can even add custom code to your themes and plugins and recreate it perfectly for your store. This much control over customization makes WordPress perfect for showcasing your brand image with an outstanding user experience. 

Moreover, page builders like Elementor make eCommerce website development even more fun. Elemetor offers a drag-and-drop user interface, allowing you to design your website just as you want. With zero coding knowledge, you can customize an existing template or create one by yourself. 

You can showcase and customize your online business with more features whenever the market trend changes. Thus, you will never stay behind in this crowded and competitive marketplace. 

Growth Potential for Evolving eCommerce 

Scalability is another essential consideration while developing a WordPress eCommerce website. Your website will have to face more traffic, a bigger product catalog, and complex transactions while growing. WordPress has the capability to scale your online store and maintain its user flexibility. 

Initially, you can start your eCommerce store and expand it with more products, categories, and functionalities. However, the open-source nature of this platform allows you to use its powerful infrastructure to grow your business. Therefore, you can sync with the store without sacrificing the speed and user experience that your customer prefers. 

Multisite Expansion Capabilities 

You don't need to worry about the overgrowth of the store and management when using WordPress for eCommerce. You can handle multiple eCommerce stores with multisite capabilities from a single WordPress dashboard. This means you can manage multiple brands, regional stores, or targeted content from a single WordPress installation. 

Each website you operate can have its own identity, product, design, and brand voice. This means you don't need to shift your focus to multiple stores simultaneously. Multisite capability is more beneficial if you are targeting international business. 

You can create different WordPress eCommerce websites for different countries. Then, you can place localized currency, specific product lines, and payment options. Besides, you can easily set administrative permissions for specific users for each store. This minimizes your site management task, especially if you hire a WordPress maintenance service

Built In SEO Feature for More Reach 

You obviously need search engine optimization to reach a larger audience for your eCommerce store. The built-in SEO features of WordPress are perfect for eCommerce stores to place their products in a suitable place for a search output. 

You can create clean URLs that are SEO-friendly and help you stay on top of search engine result pages. Your content will rank flexibly due to the SEO-friendly structure of your site's blog page. You have the freedom to populate the site with quality content, product pages, categories, and menus in a way that will improve your search engine visibility. 

Furthermore, you can extend the SEO features of your eCommerce website using plugins like Yoast SEO, AISEO, and Rankmath. These plugins allow you to optimize a specific webpage and its content with best SEO practices. You can even create proper title descriptions and implement Keywords easily.

You can also handle the XML sitemaps, schema markup, and breadcrumbs for better search engine visibility. So, with minimal SEO knowledge, you can maintain search engine visibility and reach out to more customers. 

Content Marketing & Blogging

WordPress gives you the freedom to reach out to an audience by marketing products through blogging. This is a significant advantage for WordPress eCommerce websites since you are not just selling products. 

WordPress allows you to include a blog within your website, which other platforms lack. This enables you to gather organic traffic by creating SEO-rich content and highlighting your site in search engines. Besides, you can even link your blog content to your eCommerce store’s product page. 

You can share eCommerce-related blog posts, product reviews, and industry trends with your customers. This allows customers to collect information for your blog and also utilize your store. When customers get products and marketplace news in the same place, they trust your site. As a result, your website authority and conversion rate will go high.

Robust Security Measures for Users

WordPress eCommerce website maintains strong security measures to prevent any data loss. It highly focuses on updates and prevents any latest threats with dependable capabilities. 

WordPress frequently updates its core functionalities with advanced features and security patches. You simply need to maintain the updates or enable auto-updates to keep your site secure. All these updates ensure that your site stays secure against the latest threats and hacking attempts. Ultimately, your customer feels secure and provides their personal information without any hesitation. 

Additionally, you can use security plugins to fortify your site even better than the default protection features. For example, Wordfence can defend your site with additional security layers via firewalls, malware scanning, and secured login options. So you can easily secure your eCommerce site from unauthorized access or cyber-attacks.

Transactional data are very sensitive when it comes to protecting eCommerce stores. WordPress is good at saving your store’s payment gateways by integrating safe options like PayPal and Stripe. These payment options are highly secured with encryption and fraud detection features.   

Last but not least, the WordPress eCommerce website comes with SSL certificates. The secure sockets layer ensures that the data transmitted between your site and customers is always safe. This encryption helps you maintain your site’s trust worthiness because search engine prefers sites with SSL certificates. 

Affordable Solution for All

WordPress eCommerce websites are cost-effective solutions for those looking to start their eCommerce journey. You need little to no investment to initiate your online store with free themes and plugins. You can gradually upgrade to premium plugins and themes with affordable pricing plans. So, you can start small but grow big when your budget will support your requirements. 

You can compare WordPress with many other platforms out there, but it is indeed the most budget-friendly option. You will never be out of resources or budget because customized plans are available for premium plugins and themes. Therefore, you can focus on your business aspects rather than worrying about platform costs. 

Reasonable Maintenance Cost

Wordpress eCommerce websites require lower maintenance costs compared to any other platforms. Obviously, you need to maintain your online business website at some point in time. You can easily handle core updates, theme updates, and plugin updates with a small business site. You won't need the developer’s support or extensive technical knowledge to handle the basic updates. 

However, you need proper maintenance when your store grows bigger, with a huge product list and a lot of marketing effort. This is where WordPress maintenance services come in and handle your complex maintenance tasks. There are many affordable maintenance services out there to choose from. 

Last but not least, WordPress has a huge, active community where you can get the latest resources, tutorials, and documentation. You can even get professional help from this community and minimize your investment in maintenance.  

Final Thoughts on WordPress eCommerce Website 

WordPress gives you a complete package when it comes to developing an eCommerce website. We can mention thousands of reasons, but we have listed the best ones behind its popularity. You can start your WordPress eCommerce website from scratch or expand over an existing one with minimal effort. 

However, you can rely on ThemePaste if you are not interested in the DIY approach of WordPress. From installation to maintenance, ThemePaste handles every aspect of your eCommerce store, leading you to success. You can relax and focus on your business while we maintain your site like a pro.

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