10 common WordPress bugs and how to fix them

10 common WordPress bugs and how to fix them

Bugs and errors are common issues when you are running a WordPress website. They can ruin the user experience and audience engagement of your website. However, WordPress shows errors for specific reasons, which you can efficiently resolve with the right approach.

Facing errors can be overwhelming for WordPress site owners, especially someone who's a beginner. You should understand these common bugs to maintain your WordPress site smoothly. These bugs can create minor issues or a major burden that can harm your site in many ways.

You may notice data loss, lengthy downtime, security risks, etc. Therefore, you must identify and resolve these issues to restore your site’s overall user experience and maintain its reputation.

In this article, we will introduce you to some common WordPress errors and easy ways to fix them. Thus, you can focus on tasks like content creation, product management, and audience engagement. 

Most Common WordPress Errors and Solutions 

Several reasons can cause common WordPress errors, such as plugin conflicts, server issues, or coding errors. Understanding the root cause is essential if you want to fix WordPress issues effectively. Let's focus on the most common WordPress errors, the reason behind the errors, and a simple guide to fix those. 

White Screen Of Death (WSOD)

WordPress  White Screen of Death is a frustrating error because it shows nothing but a blank white screen. Though it does not show any error message yet, a fix is required to restore your site’s availability. 

Alter tag: white screen of death error in a website

There are several factors behind WSOD errors, including: 

  • Incompatibility between plugins.

  • The theme that includes poor codes. 

  • Exceeding allocated PHP memory Limit. 

  • Corrupted essential WordPress files 

You can Fix the WSOD error with these steps:  

Plugin Deactivation: Access our WordPress site using the FTP of your hosting provider’s file manager option. Then rename the plugins folder in wp-content into plugins_old. This will deactivate all the plugins at once.

Switching to Default Theme: If the error is still present, rename your current theme’s folder wp-content/themes. Then, switch it to the default WordPress theme like Twenty-twenty-three. 

PHP limit Increase: Access and edit the wp-config.php file and add the following code in it: ('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M'); 

Restore Core Files: If you are still facing the issue, upload the wp-includes and wp-admin folders after downloading the latest WordPress version. Then, overwrite the existing files in those folders. 

Internal Server Error

Internal server error is generally known as HTTP 500 error due to server issues. This common WordPress error does not notify the exact reason with a notification or error message.  However, this error can lead to significant site traffic loss, which needs a quick fix. 

Internal Server Error message In a Wordpress site

Here are some common reasons behind Internal server error:

  • Misconfigured or corrupted .htaccess file.

  • Faulty custom PHP scripts or themes. 

  • The site exceeds the allocated PHP memory limit. 

  • Bugs in Plugins or themes.

You can Fix Internal Server errors with the following steps:  

Rename .htaccess File: Get access to your WordPress site through FTP and rename the .htaccess file to .htaccess_old. Then, refresh your site to see if the error is gone or not. Don't forget to regenerate the file by going to Settings> Permalinks and clicking Save Changes. 

Increase PHP Memory Limit: Edit your site’s wp-config.php file and add the following line: define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');. Then, refresh your site to see the changes. 

Check error Logs: Review the server error logs and find the message indicating the issue. This will help you find the reason for this error and the potential fix. 

The steps mentioned above can easily fix the internal server issue. Sometimes, errors can occur due to themes and plugins on your WordPress site. You can follow the previous error resolution steps to deactivate the plugin and themes. 

Error Establishing a Database Connection

The Error Establishing Database Connection is a common WordPress error that prevents your website from connecting with the database. 

Error establishing database connection error

This critical error showcases an error message that the site is inaccessible. Your site won't show any data during this error since the database holds all essential information.

Common causes behind Error Establishing Database errors are:

  • Incorrect database credentials (Database Name, user name, password) in .htaccess file.

  • Database issues such as downtimes or server overload.

  • Corrupted core files for backdated plugins or themes 

  • Plugin or theme conflicts 

Steps to fix the Error Establishing a Database Connection:  

Database Credentials: Double-check whether the database credentials are correct in the wp-config.php and hosting dashboard. 

Check Database status: Verify the database server status with your hosting provider to make sure the database is functional and not overloaded. 

Switch Plugins & Themes: Deactivate the plugins on your site using the FTP and rename the plugins folder in wp-content into plugins_old.

Database Repair:  Use the WordPress database repair tool, which is generally available at your hosting provider’s site. 

Hopefully, these steps mentioned above will fix the database connection issue quickly. However, contact your web hosting provider if the error still appears. Get reliable service from the hosting providers that WordPress recommends.

Connection Timed Out Error

The connection timed-out error is a common WordPress error that shows up when the server can't respond within a specific time limit. After several attempts, the server gives up, and you see this error message that won't allow anyone to access it. Sometimes, this error occurs without providing any clear indication, which is frustrating.

Connection Timed Out error message in WordPress

Common causes behind Connection Time Out error:


  • Server overloads due to high traffic or resource requirements.

  • Servers with limited memory prevent the server from handling requests. 

  • Incompatible themes or plugins that delay the server response.

  • Problems with your internet connection or DNS settings.

Steps to fix the Error Establishing a Database Connection:  

Internet Connection: Check whether your internet connection is stable by visiting other websites. 

Upgrade Hosting Plan: Shared hosting can hamper necessary resource allocation to your site. Thus, you can upgrade your hosting plan to get more resources.

Optimize Website: Your website can cause huge stress over the server. Therefore, remove the resource-hungry plugin and use a lightweight theme.

Increase Memory Limit: increase the PHP memory limit by following the process we’ve already mentioned.

Contact Hosting Provider: If the error is still present, contact your hosting provider and ask for assistance. They can pinpoint the issue and configure the server resource limitations.

404 Not Found Error

The 404 is one of the most common WordPress errors that most users have faced once. This error occurs when someone tries to access a page that does not exist on the server. This error negatively impacts your site’s user experience and SEO. 

404 not found error message in WordPress

Common causes behind 404 Not Found error:

  • Broken links to pages that do not exist, deleted, moved out without redirection.

  • When someone enters Incorrect URLs due to typos.

  • Any modifications in the permalink settings without updating the existing links. 

  • Removing any page or post that is still linked somewhere on your site. 

Steps to fix the 404 Not Found Error:

Check Permalink Settings: Access your WordPress dashboard and go to Settings> Permalinks. Then click Save Changes to refresh your permalink structure. This helps you regenerate the .htacess file, which may resolve this issue.

Create Redirects: Utilize a redirection plugin and create 301 redirections from the old URLs to new ones and relevant pages.

Update Broken Links: Use a tool to identify the broken links on your site and fix them. 

Reupload .htaccess File: Create a new .htacess file and enter the following lines: 

# BEGIN WordPress

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress

Lastly, upload the .htaccess file in your site’s root directory to resolve the 404 error. 

Restore Deleted Content: You may have accidentally deleted content from your site, which can cause this error. In that case, simply go to your WordPress site’s trash and restore it. 

You can add a custom 404 page to redirect your visitors to the functional page where the content exists. With our mentioned steps, you can easily fix the 404 Not Found Error and restore your site’s usability. 

Memory Exhausted Error 

The Memory Exhausted Error is also known for its message showing Allowed memory size exhausted. Every WordPress site is allocated a specific memory limit by its server. This common WordPress error will occur when your WordPress site exceeds the allocated PHP memory limit. Users won't be able to upload files or activate plugins due to this error. 

Fatal error due to memory limit

Common Causes Behind Memory Exhausted Error:

  • Large media files, resource-hungry plugins, and themes can exhaust the available memory on your site.

  • You need more memory than the allocated default PHP memory limit, which is 32MB or 64 MB.

  • Plugins and themes that include poorly written codes can cause this error. 


Ways to fix the 404 Not Found Error: 

Increase PHP Memory Limit: Access the wp-config.php file on the root directory of your WordPress site. You will get this file using your hosting provider’s file management option.  Then, search the line. 

define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘XXM’ ); 

If you don't find this line, then add it above the following line.    

/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */. 

Now, change the memory limit either to 64M or to 128M and create the following line of codes: 

define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’ );

Lastly, save the changes and upload the file back into your server using the FTP. 

Upgrade Hosting Plan: If you are still facing the issue, it's time to upgrade your hosting plan. Get a hosting plan that offers higher memory limits. 

Optimize Images: Reduce the size of the images on your site to minimize memory usage.  

Deactivate Unused Plugins: Deactivate inactive plugins if you have one, and try to use plugins that do not require too much memory.

Changing the file permission can be complex if you are new to operating a WordPress site. You can hire professionals or contact your hosting provider's support center for further assistance. 

Maintenance Mode Error

You will see the maintenance mode usually during the website core, plugin, or theme update process. But it comes with an error if you are stuck in the process and see this error even after the update is complete. The error message says, “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute,” which means the site is unavailable due to maintenance.

Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance

Common reasons behind Maintenance Mode Error:

  • Any interruption during the WordPress core, plugin, or theme update.

  • The .maintenance file will be in the root directory after the update process is done.

Ways to fix the Maintenance Mode Error

Delete the .maintenance file: Go to the root directory of your site using the FTP client or the file manager of your hosting provider’s control panel. Locate and remove the .maintenance file from the root directory of your WordPress installation.

Clear Browser Cache: Clear the browser cache and cookies on your site and refresh it. This will help load the site properly after the update process is complete. 

Disable Maintenance Mode Plugin: Don't forget to deactivate the maintenance mode plugin if you are using one. This plugin can block users from accessing your website. 

Syntax Error 

Syntax Error is a common WordPress error that occurs when there is a mistake or error in the code. It can happen due to incorrect syntax or erroneous codes in your theme or plugin's file. This error displays messages such as Parse error: syntax error, unexpected… which blocks the site from loading properly. However, WordPress indicates the line of code where the error exists.

Parse error in a specific line on function.php file

Common Causes behind Syntax Error:

  • Errors in codes such as missing semicolons, unmatched parentheses, or incorrect function names.

  • Interrupted updates or modifications in themes and plugin codes.  

Ways to fix the Syntax Error:

Identify the Error Message: Carefully read the error message to find the file and line number that caused the error.

Access the Affected FIle: Access the file that includes an error using the FTP or file manager from your hosting provider.

Correct the Syntax: Edit and fix the errors in the codes by maintaining the proper PHP syntax. 

Deactivate the Plugin or Theme: Rename the plugin or theme folder to deactivate for the time being. This is a temporary solution that you can revert to after fixing the error.

Seek professional help from development services if you are not comfortable editing the code yourself. Also, set a staging environment so that you can make changes to the codes without touching your live website. 

Image Upload Error

Image upload issue is a common WordPress error that occurs when someone tries to upload images to the media library. It can also happen when someone attempts to enter images on posts or pages. This type of error displays messages like - 

  • The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini

  • Could not write files to disk

  • Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons

Image upload error message saying HTTP error

Common Causes behind Image Upload Error:

  • When the image file size crosses the maximum file size that your server allows,

  • Trying to upload a file type that your WordPress site blocks for security reasons.

  • Incorrect file permissions block WordPress from writing files to the server.

Ways to fix the Image Upload Error:

Check File Size Limits: You can increase the values of upload_max_filesize and post_max_size. You will get these files within the php.ini file of your WordPress installation. Ask your hosting provider to edit the file If you are unable to access it.

Allow Additional File Types:  Plugins like Mime Type Manager can assist you in including more file types on your WordPress site. 

Adjust File Permissions: You need to set the correct file permission when uploading a folder to your server. You can allow WordPress users to write and read files from this folder while maintaining site security. The typical file permission can be 755 or 775, which you need to configure in the wp-content/uploads directory. 

Clear Browser Cache: Try to upload the image after clearing the browsing cash or cookies. 

File permission adjustment can be a complex task for you if you aren’t familiar with handling server management. Thus, we recommend you seek help from WordPress maintenance service providers or your hosting provider's support team.

Technical Difficulties Error

Technical difficulties are yet another common WordPress error that shows a generic message. The message shows the error that is stopping your site from working properly. This error shows up when there are fatal errors within your plugin, theme, or WordPress installation files.

There has been a critical error on your wesbsite

WordPress offers fatal error protection features from version 5.2. Thus, you will get a message saying - This site is experiencing technical difficulties if this error occurs.

Common Causes behind Image Upload Error: 

  • Incompatible plugin that contains coding errors. 

  • Theme that contains errors or bugs. 

  • The wordPress core file that contains errors 

  • Outdated themes, plugins, or core WordPress files. 

Ways to Fix the Technical Difficulties Error

Check email: You will get an email from WordPress that entails the details about the error. It also indicates the plugin or theme that is causing the error.

Activate WordPress Debugging: To activate debugging, add the below lines to your wp-config.php file.

define('WP_DEBUG', true);

define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);

Now, you will get the errors in the debug.log file, which is available in your wp-content directory. 

Check error logs: Examine the debug.log file and find out the error messages that will help you identify the root cause behind the error.

Deactivate Plugins and Themes: Use FTP or a hosting panel to get into your website and rename the plugins or themes folder, which you can access in the wp-content. This will deactivate all the plugins and themes on your website.   

Restore Core files: Get a fresh WordPress installation to re-upload the wp-includes and wp-admin folders. This will overwrite the corrupt core files and restore your site back to its normal functionality.

How To Preventing WordPress Errors Before Happening

Regular WordPress maintenance is a crucial task for running your WordPress website without any errors. It does not guarantee that you will never face a WordPress error. However, some common steps can help you prevent errors even before accruing them. Here are some common tasks that you can maintain to block common WordPress errors: 

Regular Backups:  You can prevent data loss with regular backups that can happen due to errors. Use backup plugins that will automate the entire backup process.

Regular Updates: Updates can effectively fix most of the errors on your WordPress site. The update comes with necessary features, security updates, and bug fixes. Thus, you should always update your site, including the themes and plugins.  

Get Reliable Hosting: A reliable hosting provider can contribute significantly to your site’s performance and availability. Your hosting provider should ensure an Optimized WordPress environment, longer uptime, and professional customer support. 

Optimize Plugins and Themes: Do not use too many plugins on your website because they can slow down your site’s performance. Plus, get professional help to develop a custom theme with built-in features according to your requirements. Constantly update your plugins and themes and remove those that you are not using anymore. 

Monitor Errors: Keep track of your site’s performance and respond whenever an error occurs. Remember, you can lose your site's trustworthiness, your investment, and your data if you aren't responding to errors in time. Google search console and monitoring plugins can assist you in addressing any issue on your site.

Clear Cache Regularly: Old cache memories in your browser can also showcase errors even after they have been fixed. Thus, you should regularly clear the browser and WordPress cache to present the most recent version of your website. 

Final Words

WordPress offers massive flexibility, but it has some limitations that you will face from time to time. The complex architecture of this CMS can result in different errors that hamper its usability. But with this guide, you can sort out those errors and resolve them with a step-by-step approach.

We tried to cover the most common errors, but you can always get more information from the official list of common WordPress errors. You can always get professional help from Themepaste if you are still unable to handle these errors yourself. They offer reliable WordPress maintenance, design, and development services that are within your budget.

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